
Thursday, August 8, 2013

The perfect night

I know that is a lofty title, but let me prove it to you!  
1.  Ok, how often do I leave to drive to a city 2 hours away, at around 7 for a crazy good dinner?  Not very often these days.  That alone was a treat and made me feel so hip to start dinner at 9... Think the movie 'Date Night' when they drive into the city and go onto have a night out of their ordinary.
2.  My hair was freshly highlighted, I had heels on and I had just had a teeth cleaning that morning so I was feeling pretty good on the 'together' end of it too!(=
3.  The company!  Our longtime friends Zach and Brit who we love and didn't stop talking with from the time we left to the time we got back around 2:30 am.  That alone can make a perfect night!  Unfortunately we were having such a good time that this is the only picture documentation of the whole night.  And then to top it off Andy's brother John joined us around midnight and we all just sat and laughed longer.  
4.  The Food.  Don't even get me started on that wonderful food!  All Spanish tapas that still make my mouth water even after eating way too much!  

I think what made it really special though is that it was one of those rare nights where expectations were blown out of the water by the actual experience and I thank Jesus for these little glimpses of what I expect Heaven to be all the time.  Fellowshipping around a feast.  So cheers to great friendships that will continue into eternity!


  1. Now... I want to talk about your highlights, and what is happening above your ear. Is it dark underneath, and just looks green for some reason in the picture??

  2. Ha!! yes it's my natural color underneath, not green...This is a whack we could do. I am definitely channeling my inner gwen stefani at the moment. Ultra blonde on top!

  3. Ha!! yes it's my natural color underneath, not green...This is a whack we could do. I am definitely channeling my inner gwen stefani at the moment. Ultra blonde on top!

  4. I love it. You look glowy, and I love your nail color. Have I mentioned that I wish we were neighbors? Every day.

  5. El, last night was truly magical except that it was missing you guys!! Soon, ok...!
