
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life Happens Part 1

It's not always pretty or crafty.  Sometimes it's sleeping in gas stations, saying goodbye to a car, and saying hello to a new blessing.   We were headed north when the check engine light came on and we started losing power fast.  We pulled over, attempted to start it again several times and the dreaded nothing happened.  All that to say we ended up sleeping at a gas station(in our van because our pop-up broke as well), and saying goodbye to an old friend.
 The next morning one of our co-workers called asking us if we would want to borrow their motor home that had broken down a half hour away...  It had been fixed and we just needed to get to it! My Good Friend's extended family lives in that town and a cousin came and rescued us.  We were back on the road the next day and headed to this event.

Andy ended up missing the finals by one point.  I was so thankful that he was able to be a part of his favorite hobby in spite of everything that happened.

Notice the puffy eyes; between the stress and gas station sleep with four kids  there was a little wear and tear.

Love how unaffected babies are!

Wait til you see the vehicle we have now and hear the story behind it.  God is never surprised by events.  


  1. Glad we could hang out this weekend and support our husbands together.

  2. Can't wait for part 2 =) Sorry Andy missed the finals by one point (jeesh I bet that was disappointing) but glad he got to go compete. Love the kids' "A" hats!

  3. It was so fun to have our families together!! It was a bummer that he missed the finals, but he was really happy to be there!
