
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Large Print on a Budget

I had a picture of the twins and our dog that I wanted in a large print but it can be pricey when you add having to buy a large frame to go with it. I had seen different ways of making large prints on Pinterest and so I combined a few to make it my own. I was given a coupon to use at Shutterfly which allowed me to get a large print for free! I just had to pay for shipping.

Here is the steps I did to get what I was looking for. 

I bought a cardboard sheet at the Dollar Store to use as my "frame"
I used this to stick the picture to the cardboard
I used my photo albums to put weight on the picture while it dried
Finished project!
I'll hang it eventually, but for now it's just leaning and I'm happy with that
So the total for this project was about $6. ($1 for the board and $5 for shipping)

*If I did this again, I would be more careful putting the modge podge under the picture. As it dried it bubbled up some which you can tell in person but not in the pictures. So, watch for that if you do this project.


  1. I would suggest using a roller on the front side once it is on the cardboard, that should take care of the bubbles?? =)

  2. It looks beautiful, thanks for this suggestion Cindi!

  3. i love this, what a great idea! thanks for sharing.
